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Saturday, June 21, 2008

John Wooden Story

It is said that John Wooden told his players that when they made a basket, the first thing to do was to look for the person who gave them the pass prior to the basket and to acknowledge them. A player is said to have asked Wooden, "What if they are looking the other direction?" Wooden replied, "They won't be, they'll be looking at you."

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Devil Already Told Me That

I can't help but want to share this little tidbit out of an article I just read. It is said that John Bunyan, having once preached a great message, was greeted by a layman who exclaimed, "That was the most powerful sermon I have ever heard!" Bunywan replied with brute honesty, "Man, you need not tell me that. The devil whispered it to me before I was well out of the pulpit."

What types of things does the Devil whisper to you?

Monday, June 2, 2008

OnePrayer Campaign Tops 1,200 Churches

More than 1,200 churches have now joined the OnePrayer campaign which will launch this weekend on June 7/8. This week I previewed a number of the messages produced by pastors involved in the campaign and was blown away by the creativity and focus of what I saw. These pastors have a passion for God's Word and for communicating to the world.

One Prayer - The Churches

One Prayer - New Hope Christian Fellowship

Wayne Cordeiro on the street in Waikiki as people walk by.

One Prayer - LifeChurch.tv

Craig Groeschel on the street in Times Square.