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Thursday, January 26, 2012


Recently, I put off taking my car to get smogged. I kept telling myself I would do it, but I just didn’t. When the last day came before the late registration penalties kicked in, I started up my car to drive down to the smog shop. Wouldn’t you know it, the check engine light popped on as if to teach me a lesson. Needless to say, it was a challenging day and all because I procrastinated.

For some of us, procrastination is an art. We have become so good at waiting to the last minute, we don’t even know how to do life any other way. But even for those who would not consider themselves to be chronic procrastinators, there are always some things we keep delaying and putting off. Maybe we do it because we just don’t know how to begin, we are afraid of failing, we are stubborn or we are just plain lazy.

In and of itself, procrastination is not the worst thing in the world. The real question is, are we procrastinating about the wrong things? The truth is, some things can wait. Whether or not I wax my car this week or next month, is probably not that big of a deal. On the other hand, the conversation I need to have with my spouse or my kids is vitally important.

Some things need to be done now. Jesus said, “if you love me, you will obey My commands.” He didn’t say, “if you love me, obey me when you get around to it!”

I believe there are three things we need to do now and not delay. First, we need to get right with God. No one is guaranteed tomorrow and no one knows how long their life is going to be. The most important and vital thing for us to do, is get right with our Creator.

Second, we need to get right with others. In Matthew 5, Jesus tells us it is more important to go and fix broken relationships then it is to go to church! If you have offended someone, go and ask forgiveness — stop delaying. Broken relationships do not fix themselves.

Third, we need to get busy serving others. We have this constant tendency to think our life is about making us happy. It’s not. Jesus said that the way to get life is to give up yours. True life is found when we invest our lives in serving others. James, the brother of Jesus, said, “true religion is to visit the orphan and widow.”

Sometimes we are so busy doing things that are unimportant, we fail to do the things that are really important. Maybe you need to change your life around so that you can do the stuff that really matters. I know I do.

The pastors in Kings County would love the opportunity to encourage you to get focused on the right stuff this weekend.  Why don’t you stop putting off what you need to do?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Chance

As the calendar turns, we once again wrestle with the realization of how little we changed over the last twelve months. The year passed so quickly. Resolutions that we made with dedicated resolve at the beginning of the year were quickly discarded as we found the rut of our routine too comfortable and familiar.

And now we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year and we are tempted to give up even before we have started. We wonder, is there really any point? Can I, in fact, change? Or will 2012, simply be a repeat of 2011?

Let me encourage you not to give up too soon!f Change isn't easy and quitters never win. Just because you have failed in the past, does not mean you must fail in the future. I love the Bible verse in Proverbs that says, "the godly may tripe seven times, but they will get up again" (Prov. 24:16). The difference between failure and success is often simply the decision to get up one more time and try again.

The best news of all is that you do not have to undertake your New Year's resolutions all by yourself, if you will simply invite our Heavenly Father to be involved in the process. After all, He wants you to grow and change! He knows what great things are possible in and through you because He created you for greatness in the first place.

So what resolutions do you need to invite Him to be a part of this year? Maybe you have some dirty laundry you need to give up to Him instead of carrying it forward. Perhaps you need to make a few phone calls, ask forgiveness and mend those broken relationships. Or maybe you need to change some old routines and exchange them for new ones. Sometimes we have done things for so long, we just assume that we must do them, but maybe it’s time to give up some of the old patterns of behavior.

One of the best things you can do is get around people who have resolved to grow and change. If all your friends are resolved to stay the same and to keep you there too, it might just be time to get some new friends! The pastors in Kings County would love to encourage you and help you get a fresh start for the new year. Maybe one of the best decisions you could make would be to get right with God, get in His house and start looking at yourself through His eyes. You’ll be amazed at the wonderful things He has in store for you!