Who Do You Trust?
If you are anything like me, you find yourself being caught up in some of the anxiety over the economy and the future. Reading the paper or listening to the evening news is like exposing yourself to a highly infectious flu called “worry”. You may not catch the flu the first time around, but eventually if you keep exposing yourself, it’s going to move into your body and run its ugly course.
But it’s not just the news. Our own hearts conspire to make us worry about the future. We start worrying about losing our job or our house. We get nervous and start hoarding things thinking that we might not have enough.
But it’s a downward spiral. Once you start putting your trust in your bank account or your job or your inheritance, you are putting your faith in something that will always let you down and will also make you a smaller person. When you are worried about the future and put your trust in what you have, you become stingy and closed-fisted. You hold on to what you have because you believe your source of supply is small and undependable.
What is fascinating is that it doesn’t matter if you have a little or if you have a lot. We all find this infection creeping into our hearts. We are like the millionaire workaholic who was asked, “How much more money do you need?” His response: “Just a little bit more.”
Wouldn’t it nice to be free from this “little bit more” trap? The answer is simple, but it takes a lifetime to live it out. The Bible says in Romans chapter eleven,
Everything comes from God; everything exists by His power; and everything is intended for His glory.
And here is the secret -- we must put our trust in God as our source and supply. Nothing else is truly stable and trustworthy. And when we trust Him, we don’t have to worry about the future because He takes care of His children.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. — Matthew 6:33
Putting God first is something we do everyday and in everything we do. It is also something that is easy to forget to do! Before we know it, there we are putting our self first yet again. The pastors in Kings County would love to encourage and remind you that putting God first is the only way to live worry free. Why don’t you give them a chance this weekend?
But it’s not just the news. Our own hearts conspire to make us worry about the future. We start worrying about losing our job or our house. We get nervous and start hoarding things thinking that we might not have enough.
But it’s a downward spiral. Once you start putting your trust in your bank account or your job or your inheritance, you are putting your faith in something that will always let you down and will also make you a smaller person. When you are worried about the future and put your trust in what you have, you become stingy and closed-fisted. You hold on to what you have because you believe your source of supply is small and undependable.
What is fascinating is that it doesn’t matter if you have a little or if you have a lot. We all find this infection creeping into our hearts. We are like the millionaire workaholic who was asked, “How much more money do you need?” His response: “Just a little bit more.”
Wouldn’t it nice to be free from this “little bit more” trap? The answer is simple, but it takes a lifetime to live it out. The Bible says in Romans chapter eleven,
Everything comes from God; everything exists by His power; and everything is intended for His glory.
And here is the secret -- we must put our trust in God as our source and supply. Nothing else is truly stable and trustworthy. And when we trust Him, we don’t have to worry about the future because He takes care of His children.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. — Matthew 6:33
Putting God first is something we do everyday and in everything we do. It is also something that is easy to forget to do! Before we know it, there we are putting our self first yet again. The pastors in Kings County would love to encourage and remind you that putting God first is the only way to live worry free. Why don’t you give them a chance this weekend?