Bulldog Tenacity
Submitted for The Senintel Life Notes column
There is a story about an old man that owned a small store in a run-down area. He was the last open store in a failed commercial development and he just refused to quit. A young commercial developer saw an opportunity to buy cheap property in a decent location and formulated a plan. He bought all the property surrounding the small store and made the old man a generous offer for his property too. But the stubborn man wasn't interested. He wouldn't sell no matter how much money was offered.
The real estate developer was forced to move forward with his plans without the old man's property. After two full years of development the time neared when the new shopping center would open. The new buildings towered over and completely surrounded the old man's small shop. Those that had watched the David-and-Goliath-like struggle between the old man and the developer shook their heads knowing that the coming of the new shopping center would surely sound the death toll for the old man's business.
But when the day came for the big opening, the old man still had a trick or two up his sleeve. Gigantic, beautiful banners hung from all sides of the new construction proclaiming, "Grand Opening!" and "Best Prices in Town". Not to be outdone, the old man strung a banner of his own right across the little store that stood at the very center of the new shopping center. His banner read "Main Entrance".
That's bulldog tenacity. The never-give-up-mentality that believes that for every challenge there is a solution—we would all do well to have a little bit of that same spirit inside us. Far too often we find it is easier to give up when the going gets rough.
This life is full of challenges, opposition and disappointments. The Scriptures tell us that we will be offended by others. The question is how we will choose to respond to those offenses.
The book of James says it this way:
When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
Has your faith ever been tested? Have you ever been tempted to give up? James reminds us that it is in these moments of pressure and difficulty that we are most ready to grow—but only if we grab onto that which is solid and hold on with bulldog tenacity.
The people that I admire and respect the most are those who have learned that life is simply a training ground for eternity. These precious people have decided that no matter what the challenge or trial, they won't quit and they won't allow their circumstances to dictate their reactions. They have an unfailing trust and faith in the One who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
So let me ask you, how's your tenacity level? What are you holding on to? What is going to keep you going even though the massive towers of life surround you on every side? Those that have found their stability in Father God find that He has a way of turning impossible situations into "Main Entrances" for His activity and blessing.
There is a story about an old man that owned a small store in a run-down area. He was the last open store in a failed commercial development and he just refused to quit. A young commercial developer saw an opportunity to buy cheap property in a decent location and formulated a plan. He bought all the property surrounding the small store and made the old man a generous offer for his property too. But the stubborn man wasn't interested. He wouldn't sell no matter how much money was offered.
The real estate developer was forced to move forward with his plans without the old man's property. After two full years of development the time neared when the new shopping center would open. The new buildings towered over and completely surrounded the old man's small shop. Those that had watched the David-and-Goliath-like struggle between the old man and the developer shook their heads knowing that the coming of the new shopping center would surely sound the death toll for the old man's business.
But when the day came for the big opening, the old man still had a trick or two up his sleeve. Gigantic, beautiful banners hung from all sides of the new construction proclaiming, "Grand Opening!" and "Best Prices in Town". Not to be outdone, the old man strung a banner of his own right across the little store that stood at the very center of the new shopping center. His banner read "Main Entrance".
That's bulldog tenacity. The never-give-up-mentality that believes that for every challenge there is a solution—we would all do well to have a little bit of that same spirit inside us. Far too often we find it is easier to give up when the going gets rough.
This life is full of challenges, opposition and disappointments. The Scriptures tell us that we will be offended by others. The question is how we will choose to respond to those offenses.
The book of James says it this way:
When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
Has your faith ever been tested? Have you ever been tempted to give up? James reminds us that it is in these moments of pressure and difficulty that we are most ready to grow—but only if we grab onto that which is solid and hold on with bulldog tenacity.
The people that I admire and respect the most are those who have learned that life is simply a training ground for eternity. These precious people have decided that no matter what the challenge or trial, they won't quit and they won't allow their circumstances to dictate their reactions. They have an unfailing trust and faith in the One who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
So let me ask you, how's your tenacity level? What are you holding on to? What is going to keep you going even though the massive towers of life surround you on every side? Those that have found their stability in Father God find that He has a way of turning impossible situations into "Main Entrances" for His activity and blessing.