It is not often enough that I go into detail about the things that I am thankful for. I generally try to always open my prayer times with a time when I just say "thanks" to God for all that He has done for me. But if I'm not careful, this can easily become a rote part of my prayer time where I end up repeating the same types of things over and over again.
When I begin to think of all the things that I have in my life — none of which I can claim the credit for because as the book of James reminds us, "all good things come down from the Father of Lights in whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" — I am overwhelmed. I have so much. It is hard not to feel guilty as I think about the incredible wealth, both spiritual and material, that I have in comparison to most of the world.
In case you are an American/European/Canadian/Japanese reading this and think that you are poor, try plugging in your income at the
Global Rich List for a reality check. When I plug mine in, I have to pause, not just to marvel on the incredible blessing of living in such an economy that makes this possible, but to consider the implications on responsibility that such wealth has.
From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. — Luke 12:48b
I read that text and consider that material riches I have — plenty of food to eat, two cars in the garage, a garage, a house (or am working towards owning a house as the bank owns most of it), loads of furniture, multiple TV sets (and we only use did that happen?), and bunch of other stuff that is an embarrassment to list.
Put the material stuff aside and I'm so blessed with a healthy nuclear family with four little ones, healthy parents and siblings on both sides of the family, a wealth of friends, healthy relationships (many of them anyway), peace in my home, peace at work, and most important, a relationship with the Father through Jesus.
I just want to remember these things when something really innocuous like standing in line at the grocery store or at Starbucks starts to get me steamed. What a luxury! To stand in line to spend money on something that I want.
Thank you God.
Labels: thanksgiving thankfulness greatfulness wealth responsibility