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Monday, December 7, 2009

Gifts that Last

for The Sentinel

Remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said, "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving." Acts 20:35 GN

The Christmas season, according to what the television tells me, is all about getting great deals on stuff. Some of this stuff I will need to buy for others and some I will keep for myself. But ultimately it is about buying stuff in order to make me and others happy.

The problem with this is that it's a lie. Christmas is not about buying stuff. Christmas is about giving stuff. And you don't have to buy stuff and go into debt in order to give stuff. The truth of it is, the best stuff to give is usually not physical stuff anyway. The best stuff is to give of the resources that you have in and of yourself.

Inside of each of us are precious resources that God has given us. We can give of those resources or we can hoard them for ourselves. If George Mueller is right that "God judges what we give by what we keep," then we would be much wiser if we chose to invest in our family and friends by giving them of the rich resources that we have.

What are these resources? Really, there are too many to list, but a few that none of us should go very long without investing into others are love, words and energy.

First, LOVE. It seems almost too obvious to mention, but love is one of the best gifts you can give to your family and friends this season. Scripture says that God loved us while we were still sinners. What that means is that love is not about performance. It is not a reward for good behavior. It is not a resource that we use as a tool to make people do what we want.

Love is the constant decision to not judge, not withdraw and not lash out in retaliation. It is the choice to continue to love that family member that always says the wrong thing at family gatherings, always drinks too much and continues to make a mess of their life. It is the recognition that our job is not to try and control people, but to demonstrate that they are valuable because they too are made in God's image and are His children.

Second, WORDS. The book of Proverbs says that the tongue has the power of life and death. All of us have been marked by words in our life—some words have breathed life and possibility into our situation and others have chilled us to the core and left us bleeding and broken. Words are a precious gift that we can give to others. They cost us very little, but a word spoken at the right time and in the right tone can heal relationships, inspire confidence and break the power of hopelessness.

Third, ENERGY. You and I have the ability to invest ourselves emotionally, physically and spiritually in people's lives. When we are there to listen and give the best of ourselves, we bring our energy to the table. Our energy is like a flame that warms and brings light to others. It may be the decision to get down on the floor and wrestle with the kids, to sit down and give time to your spouse or just making sure that you are there when you friend needs you. Your energy is a life force that can be used as an investment into people's lives.

So this Christmas make the choice to give of yourself. I believe what you will discover is that when you give of your resources, you are actually investing in the future. So who do you need to stop judging and start loving? Who needs to hear your words of life and acceptance? Who needs to receive your gift of energy?

This weekend the pastors of Kings County would love to share with you the greatest gift of all—the gift the Father gave to us of His Son Jesus. Why don't you give a gift to your family that could alter their destiny forever and take them to church this weekend? It just might change your experience of Christmas, and your life.


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