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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Appreciating the Little Stuff

submitted to The Hanford Sentinel for the Sunday Solutions section.

There are certain things we must be reminded of over and over again because we keep forgetting them. We always seem to forget that patience is a virtue. That saving is better then spending. That today's decisions determine tomorrow's future. And that our lives are made up of little things — little decisions, little experiences, little conversations. And these little things woven together form the tapestry of our existence.

All too frequently I make the mistake of thinking that the really important stuff in life is the big stuff. And it's not that the big stuff is not important because it most certainly is. A marriage, the birth of a child, a job promotion, a graduation — these big things are significant and meaningful and very frequently alter the course of life.

But where I really live day to day is in-between the big stuff. And what I forget is that the big stuff is a result of the little stuff of life. That "big" accomplishment of receiving the college diploma was a result of the countless "little" study sessions, assignments and papers. The "big" promotion was the result of the "little" decisions to be consistent, diligent and loyal. And the "big" payoff of my children growing up to be healthy, well-adjusted adults will be the result of the "little" daily grind of homework, playtime, consistent discipline and lots of love spelled t-i-m-e.

But if you're like me, you make the mistake of overemphasizing the big stuff and dismissing the little stuff. Very often, the little stuff is just not that exciting. Frankly, it can be quite boring. And that is why you and I forget that the little stuff is actually the most important stuff.

All of our habits, whether constructive or destructive, are a result of little decisions made over and over again. Our character — whether we are truthful or deceptive, loyal or disloyal, bitter or thankful — is simply the outflow of choices made over the course of a lifetime. Our relationships — the good, the bad and the ugly — are a reflection of our words, gifts, and time (usually given in small doses over long periods).

Remember, the little stuff of today — that conversation you need to have with your teenager, that relationship you need to mend, that task at work you've been putting off, that annoying habit you need to break, that trip to the dentist you've been avoiding, that decision to get things right with God — these are actually the big things of life. And if we choose to approach them with an attitude that devalues their importance, we are missing their true significance.

There is a verse in Scripture in Zecharaiah that reminds us not to "despise the day of small things." So, the next time you are tempted to look at your life and despise the little stuff, don't! Instead, make the decision to enjoy it to the last drop. Be grateful. Appreciate the little stuff.



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